Transport Education & Training Authority set on empowering women in the Transport & Logistics Sector

In an era marked by progress and evolving societal norms, the imperative to empower women in traditionally male-dominated sectors such as transport and logistics has never been more urgent.

Beyond mere diversity metrics, true empowerment begins with equipping women with the skills, insights, and business acumen necessary to compete on equal footing with their counterparts.

The transport and logistics sector, historically perceived as men’s trade, is ripe for transformation. Women bring unique perspectives, problem-solving abilities, and leadership qualities that enrich organisational dynamics and drive innovation. However, breaking into this industry requires more than just a seat at the table; it demands targeted efforts in training, skills development, and creating a supportive environment where women can thrive.

On the 24th of August 2024, the Empowawomen Leadership Summit 2024 is excited to bring forth women from diverse industries and backgrounds, fostering collaboration and mentorship opportunities. This will ensure that talent is tapped from all segments of society, driving innovation and sustainability in industries critical to the global economy.

Maphefo Anno-Frempong, CEO of TETA, encapsulates this sentiment: "As we approach Women’s Day, it is essential to acknowledge the strides women have made in asserting their presence across industries. However, we must also recognise the ongoing challenges and the necessity to cultivate an inclusive environment where women can flourish. TETA is committed to playing its part in ensuring the inclusion of women in the transport sector, not merely for diversity's sake but for the transformation and sustainable growth of the industry."

Empowerment begins with education and training. Providing women with access to comprehensive skills development programs tailored to the nuances of the transport and logistics industry is crucial. This includes technical training, leadership development, and mentorship opportunities that foster confidence and competence.

As we celebrate Women's Month and reflect on the journey towards gender parity, let us recommit to creating an environment where women in transport and logistics can excel, lead, and inspire generations to come.