Your driving superstitions could be fatal

"Superstitions might seem harmless, but they can be risky when driving," cautions Julianna Marshall, a travel expert with the International Drivers Association.

Driving demands skill, focus, and responsibility, making it vulnerable to superstitions. Many drivers have heard strange beliefs about driving that can distract from safe habits. Let's uncover and dispel some of these driving myths.

Common Driving Superstitions

One of the most common driving superstitions is holding your breath while driving through a tunnel. According to a national survey by Netquote, about 30 percent of women and 35 percent of men practice this superstition. Some believe that holding their breath prevents bad luck, while others think a wish is granted if they hold their breath all the way through a tunnel.

Another popular superstition is lifting feet when passing over a bridge or railroad tracks. This is often accompanied by the idea that failing to do so could bring bad luck or even invite disaster. This superstition likely stems from a blend of cultural folklore, historical incidents, and perhaps a general sense of caution when traversing potentially hazardous paths.

The Dangers of Superstitions

While these superstitions may seem harmless, they can lead to dangerous situations. For instance, holding your breath while driving through a tunnel has caused drivers to faint at the wheel. This superstition, which is supposed to grant a wish if you can hold your breath for the entire length of the tunnel, has led to accidents and near-misses.

Although superstitions can offer solace or a feeling of authority during uncertain times, it's crucial to approach them critically and acknowledge their potential outcomes. Fostering rationality and adopting beliefs based on evidence can mitigate the dangers linked with superstitions and foster a safer, more inclusive society.

The Science Behind Superstitions

Superstitions often arise from our brain’s tendency to see patterns where none exist, a phenomenon known as apophenia. When we perform a certain action and a positive outcome follows, we may associate the two events, even if they are unrelated. Over time, this association can become a superstition.

However, it’s important to remember that correlation does not imply causation. Just because two events occur together does not mean one caused the other. In the case of driving superstitions, there is no scientific evidence to suggest that holding your breath in a tunnel or lifting your feet over a bridge can influence your journey’s outcome.
