Navigating the AARTO delay: will implementation happen?

The Administrative Adjudication of Road Traffic Offences (AARTO) Act is again a subject of discussion following the announcement that the second phase will be delayed.

The public is speculating about its future as no date was provided as to when it will begin. Be cautious of perceiving these delays as the end of AARTO which is what South Africans often do. Rather, it is a reprieve, providing further opportunity to prepare.

The delay should be seen as a ‘grace period’ that can be used to prepare for its implementation. The CEO of MasterDrive, Eugene Herbert, explains further: “Each time there is a delay, there is an immediate assumption it will never come into effect. Drivers relax about changing their bad habits and organisations push preparation aside until it becomes topical again.

“Discussions with those extensively involved in AARTO reveal that important adjustments were made to the Act to address many of the concerns raised previously. This indicates work is actively continuing in refining the legislation and is very unlikely to be scrapped. It is more probable it’s a necessity to iron out further challenges.”

Additionally, adjustments to the Act may be a positive sign the RTIA is responding to concerns around the Act. “Information on the latest changes suggest certain aspects, such as the heavy administrative burden on organisations, will be significantly reduced.”

Irrespective of the length of the delay or the reasons for it, perceptions of AARTO still need to change. “Demerit systems are an effective tool to improve road safety. Drivers should remain committed to changing questionable driving behaviour. Organisations should continue focusing on providing drivers with the skills to improve driving while preparing for the eventual implementation.

“AARTO should have minimal impact on law-abiding drivers. When driving within the limits of the law, the Act will have no adverse effects. Thus, whether its implementation was this month or in a year’s time, drivers are ready either way.”

MasterDrive will discuss this in further detail along with new information on AARTO at their upcoming webinar, ‘Insights into AARTO.’ “It will provide greater clarity on what to expect once an implementation date is set from an expert involved in drafting the Act as well as insights from a panel of experts from various industries affected by AARTO.”

“Proactively preparing for AARTO is the key to mitigate future issues. By joining the webinar and staying informed about the latest legislation, one can prepare based on the most current information available.”

Click here to register your attendance at the webinar

The delay in AARTO’s implementation is an opportunity not a setback. “As the Act is further refined, drivers and organisations can use this time to prepare to better navigate the new legislation. An important part of this is acknowledging its potential to increase road safety,” says Herbert.

MasterDrive CEO, Eugene Herbert, on ENCA advocating changed perceptions on AARTO

MasterDrive CEO, Eugene Herbert, on eNCA addressing the delay in implementation of AARTO