Bakwena Platinum Corridor Concessionaire (Pty) Ltd (Bakwena), is pleased to report an overall reduction of fatalities along the Bakwena N1N4 route over the festive period of 12 December 2023 up to 16 January 2024. A total of 5 fatalities (2 of which were pedestrians) were recorded compared to the previous year of 10.
This significant reduction is attributed to increased law enforcement visibility and patrols along the route. Bolstering this effort, Bakwena, in collaboration with Motus Corporation and Renault South Africa, received an additional six Renault Clio vehicles to be used along the N1N4 route. These vehicles assisted with visible policing, crash assistance and aiding motorists. Collectively travelling 28 100km along the route, the vehicles participated in 30 roadblocks, assisted in 68 crashes, aided 70 stranded/broken down motorists, conducted checks on 7 528 vehicles, and issued 2 453 AARTO notices.
Commenting on the national festive season statistics, Minister of Transport, Ms. Sindisiwe Chikunga, noted a decline in fatalities, despite more than 1 400 lives lost. The Transport Department dismissed claims of poor road conditions being a leading cause, attributing fatalities to drunk driving.
Bakwena remains committed to its mission of zero fatalities and encourages motorists to adhere to road safety rules. Bakwena’s contribution towards road safety and the outcomes are aligned to UN’s Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021-2030, which is to prevent at least 50% of road traffic deaths and injuries by 2030.
Every holiday season, Bakwena encourages motorists to plan their journeys and implements additional measures over the festive period to assist motorists. Various campaigns are rolled out not just during the holiday periods but throughout the year within the schools around the N1N4 corridor. Bakwena’s ongoing partnership with Motus Corporation and Renault South Africa contributes considerably to our Easter and Festive season campaigns.
Despite the significant reduction in fatalities, Bakwena’s spokesperson, Solomon Kganyago, said: “We are deeply saddened by the fatalities that took place this festive season along the N1N4 route. We convey our heartfelt condolences to families and loved ones of the deceased.
“Bakwena is committed to continue with our efforts to reach zero fatalities on our route. We thank the law enforcement authorities, the Department of Transport, maintenance contractors, Motus Corporation, Renault South Africa, and all road users for their ongoing efforts to reduce incidents and fatalities on our country’s roads. We urge them to keep up these efforts throughout the year”, Kganyago concludes.