When your vehicle is in for repairs, your collision repair facility is going to communicate important milestones with you along the way to keep you up to day on the status of your vehicle in the repair process.
Supply chain issues and backordered parts have become increasingly more common, and parts and material availability can affect a continuous repair process. When your collision repair center has exhausted all their options in sourcing a necessary part to complete the repair of your vehicle you will receive a notice indicating such as "waiting on parts" or "parts on backorder." In some cases, repairs may need to be placed on hold and your collision repair center may update you on this status several times, until the parts in question become available. Many repair businesses want to keep you in the loop, even when the status hasn’t changed. While your repair facility will certainly do everything within their power to find the parts needed, there are also opportunities for consumers to communicate directly with the vehicle manufacturer through designated consumer hotlines. Talk with your repair facility about ways in which you can advocate for yourself in addition to the repair facility efforts.
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