POPIA: Re-registration of Information Officers and submission of PAIA reports

As previously communicated, the Information Regulator published a notice to all private and public bodies, reminding them to:

  • register/re-register their Information Officers and Deputy Information Officers, as the Information Regulator has a new website and e-services platform; (even if an employer has, prior to May 2024, registered with the Information Regulator, all private- and public bodies are required to do so again on the new system);


  • in compliance with the Promotion of Access to Information Act (PAIA), submit their annual PAIA reports.

To access the Information Regulator’s new website and eServices platform, follow this link.

To find out how to register/re-register Information Officers, please see the following guide.

To find out how to submit your company’s PAIA report, please see the following guide.

As per the notice, the portal for submission of the PAIA reports will close on 30 June 2024.

For POPIA assistance and compliance support services, please contact your regional NEASA office.