Interested in pursuing a manufacturing focused MBA?

The Toyota Wessels Institute for Manufacturing Studies (TWIMS) was established in 2018 with a single vision: an industrialised Africa built on world-class manufacturing capabilities.

To realise this vision, TWIMS has partnered with the Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS) to offer a suite of academically accredited programmes designed to build manufacturing management capabilities in South Africa and more widely into Africa.

Our apex management qualification is the GIBS MBA (manufacturing focus). This prestigious qualification is delivered exclusively at TWIMS’ state-of-the-art campus in Kloof, Durban. The programme comprises “the best of two worlds”: general management skills development, perthe standard, globally accredited, GIBS MBA, blended with manufacturing electives covering Industry 4.0, Green economy, Lean production, and African trade and industrialisation challenges and opportunities. It also includes a manufacturing-focused global module and the completion of a manufacturing focused dissertation.

We accepted our inaugural intake of students in 2019 and are proud to have started the journey of making a difference in the South African and broader African manufacturing community. We look forward to the continued growth and development of the programme over the next few years.

The Toyota Wessels Institute for Manufacturing Studies are offering scholarships for candidates who would like to pursue an MBA in Manufacturing.  If you would like to find out more information, join our on-campus information evening on the 24th Oct. 

The TWIMS team will discuss:

  • Scholarship opportunities
  • Qualification criteria
  • Programme structure and
  • The application process

The guest speaker is Priya Mistry Govind, our Alumni Board Chairperson. TWIMS Alumni will be there to answer all questions.

The opening evening is open as a hybrid event.

Registration is essential. To secure your seat, click

Spaces are limited so reserve your seat

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